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Contact Us

We are always here to help with any questions you may have about NFB-NEWSLINE®. Below you will find information about how to contact the staff member who is best suited to answer your question. Our business hours are 8am-5pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday. For general assistance during business hours, please call (866) 504-7300 or e-mail the NFB-NEWSLINE® team.

Emergency Only, After Hours Contact

If your issue is after hours, you can reach us by calling (410) 609-7081. Please note that this number is intended for use in situations of an emergency nature that affect NFB-NEWSLINE® system-wide, as follows:

DO CALL if the line isn't picking up at all, and you tried several times on both the local and the toll-free numbers;
DO CALL if you are unable to get in for another reason, for example, if it is not possible to enter your login information or the system will not process your security codes;
DO CALL if national content is not available, such as a national paper or the AP service;
DO CALL if, after entering the TV listings, you are sent directly back to the Main Menu;
DO CALL if you can't complete a call from the local phone number or from the toll-free number, as many people use those numbers and will be affected.

Conversely, there are certain problems that are better handled during normal working hours. If the issue is regarding your account, or a local newspaper (or section therein), please call us at (866) 504-7300 Monday-Friday.


Carylin Walton, Sponsored Technology Specialist, can help with registration, questions about eligibility, and general information.

Bill Jacobs, Sponsored Technology Specialist, can help with registration, questions about eligibility, and general information.

Bob Watson, Content Manager for Sponsored Technology, can provide assistance with content issues; if a paper isn't available or has other problems, please call the Content Manager to discuss. If you want a certain paper available on NFB-NEWSLINE®, please contact Bob, who will work with the publication and your state's sponsor, at whose discretion new papers are added.

Scott White, Director of Sponsored Technology, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of NFB-NEWSLINE®. Call us! (866) 504-7300.

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